Why I Work at Max

It makes it easy to be enthusiastic about our patients because have the most incredible community of individuals. I don’t know how we got so lucky, but we have a phenomenal group of people that tend to get to know all the practitioners in the clinic, and often other patients as well. It creates quite a cohesive group of humans and you’re invited to join!

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Jessica Claflin
Skin is flexible for a reason

If our bodies were meant to be a certain weight and shape we would have an exoskeleton. We would all be walking around like crabs. Instead we have skin that is tough enough to act as the first line of defense against infection and injury, but malleable enough to allow our bodies to adapt and change as needed. There are SO many things that we cannot change that affect our shape. We call these non-modifiable factors in the medical world:

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Jessica Claflin
Dogs get injured too

But surgery was not enough. In an ironic twist of fate Cypress required hours and days and months of physiotherapy. She had an incredibly long road to recovery that demanded consistent home exercises and follow-up appointments for intervention with a knowledgeable physiotherapist. (sound familiar?) She would make some improvement, and then regress for no explainable reason. We got frustrated, hopeful, doubtful and encouraged. As with any recovery process her trajectory was not linear, but overall she made progress.

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Jessica Claflin

The next couple hours is a blur. To be honest the next week was a blur. My amazing family rushed me to the ER where the excellent doctor stitched me up. He concluded that I likely did NOT have a fractured skull, ruptured ear drum or detached retina. Instead my blurry vision, temporary loss of hearing and ripping headache was the result of a concussion.

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Jessica Claflin
My Injury Story

I have been unbelievably fortunate to be incredibly active and remained injury free for most of my life which is something I attribute to a dedicated yoga practice. However, in 2005 I fell off an aggressive bouldering route….

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Jessica Claflin