Learning to live and move with a deeper level of awareness

It is a common human experience that we live much of our lives on automatic pilot. We do this to cope with a world that presents a multitude of distractions— electronic media, multi-tasking, distracting thoughts (perseverating about the past and fretting about the future), and seemingly endless external demands. For some of us, pain and past trauma can lead us to want to disconnect from what we are experiencing physically. All of these things take us out of the awareness of our body. Over time we can begin to develop habitual behaviors that might feel normal but actually can lead to the development of unconscious maladaptive movement patterns.  For many of us, our routines are so engrained in our lives that we aren’t even aware of their impact. But they do have an effect. Over time they can result in decreased variety of movement, restrictions, and imbalances in the body.

Whether you are coming to see me for Prevention, Rehabilitation or Maintenance, participating the in the Physioyoga or the Climbing Clinic, my role is to help you recognize the patterns in your movement that are not serving you. I will help you:

SEE IT: Visual Cues

Alignment Awareness

Mirror Feedback

Gait/Pressure Plate Analysis

HEAR IT: Auditory Cues


Instructional Movement Cues


Guided Mental Movement Visualization


FEEL IT: Tactile Cues

Hands-on Feedback

Muscle Stimulation

Physical Alignment Aids

CHANGE IT: Re-establishing movement habits

  • Incorporating diversity, variety, novel movement

  • Graded retraining 

  • Modifications

  • Training techniques

  • Partner cuing

  • Recalibrating Your Routines

We are what we repeatedly do.
Excellence, therefore, is not an act, but a habit
— Aristotle